Enjoy a comfortable and luxurious stay in Bomet, you’ll get our great service, friendly staff, and great meals Book A Room
Enjoy Meals Under the Skies
Keep your company lively and engaged,
as you share beautiful memories Book A Room
The Eventful Side of Us
Our amazing staff will help you make your events, conferences, celebrations successful Book A Room
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welcome to Sierra Springs Hotel
We Invite guests to celebrate life & comfort in a cozy and quiet environment off the CBD hustle and bustles
Sierra Springs Hotel is located within Bomet town, 4 minutes from Bomet County HQ offices. The Sierra Springs Hotel welcomes you to Bomet County with 29 specious guest
Our larger meeting room can accommodate upto 100 people, and smaller meeting
Our restaurant is centrally positioned within the hotel with a clear view of Bomet town
eat & drink
Indulge in exceptional savories that include local and international delicacies
Open Daily : 7.30 am - 11.00pm
Convenience, Proximity and Supportive Staff
Our conference halls are three and each can accommodate between 60-100 pax depending the set up. The hotel has a board room that accommodate 12 pax positioned to harness quiet and zero disturbance.